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《真星愛上你Addicted to you》Amber Na藍星蕾寫真書 特裝版(寫真抱枕套)
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  • 《真星愛上你Addicted to you》Amber Na藍星蕾寫真書 特裝版(寫真抱枕套)

  • 作者:藍星蕾
  • 出版社:尖端
  • 出版日期:2020-08-05
  • 定價:1100元
◆特選藍星蕾抱枕套(共3個版本隨機投入1款) (數量有限,售完為止)



特裝版內容如下 ■藍星蕾寫真書1本 (全新未曝光性感海報共2款隨機隨書投入1款) ■特選藍星蕾抱枕套 (共3個版本隨機投入1款) ■精美外包裝盒包裝 ▶亞洲百大DJ首本寫真書、200萬粉絲敲碗狂推! ▶集天使臉孔魔鬼身材於一身、初戀系DJ星蕾讓你一次完整收藏 ★由超高人氣「療癒系女攝影師」莉奈掌鏡,性感尺度大解放 ▶本書概念猶如百變寶藏盒,前翻是天使後翻是惡魔,全新創作華麗視覺讓大家看見不一樣的星蕾! 新馬知名性感DJ藍星蕾,除了音樂的才能備受注目外,全身散發著青春活潑與性感美豔兩種不同極端的氣息,其天使臉龐與魔鬼身材全球圈粉超過兩百萬以上。因日前出版的《真心愛上蕾》藍星蕾數位寫真銷售創佳績,在粉絲千呼萬喚下決定重新拍攝,將在台灣推出第一本實體寫真書。本次作品由有療癒系女性攝影師之稱的莉奈掌鏡,將星蕾充滿自信及其獨特的美麗點滴不漏的收藏!讓你細細體驗星蕾集天使與魔鬼的極端風貌。



星馬新生代女藝人, DJ、歌手、演員、平面模特兒、小提琴演奏家、《C Pink》女團成員等身分,其畢業於新加坡萊佛士高等教育學院的國際商務法律學科,可謂高材生橫跨演藝領域,動靜皆宜,其才能令人無法忽視。曾代表新加坡在2016年獲得亞洲百大女DJ的殊榮,並在2022年獲得DJane Top世界百大女DJ第33名,亞洲百大女DJ第6名等獎項。 除此之外,星蕾還是美貌與智慧兼具的代表,不僅擁有健美長腿,加上胸前爆乳與白裡透紅的肌膚,逆天身材令人直呼羨慕。其首度在2020年推出《真心愛上蕾》藍星蕾數位寫真作品與《真星愛上你Addicted to you》藍星蕾實體寫真書,收穫台灣粉絲的大量關注。如今,社群粉絲累積破千萬的她,已活躍於台灣各大綜藝節目,擔任外景節目助理主持,被網友譽為亞洲新一代全能女神。 Amber Na is currently the #6-ranked DJ in Asia by DJane Top and #33-ranked worldwide by FDJ List. Amber Na has fast become one of the top touring DJ's in Asia, having performed over 3000 shows across the country since 2014. She was the highly anticipated female DJ to be invited to play at Ultra Taiwan 2023, S2O Taiwan and Bangkok Songkran Music Festival 2023, and has developed a devoted following across the region. In addition to her energetic live performances, Amber Na has earned a reputation as a talent on social media and as a young musician in this generation, she is a familiar face at major music festival and events across Asia. Her electrifying performances have thrilled audiences across the region. Amber Na has become a mainstay in Asia festivals and clubs. She's a real crowd pleaser, and plays commercials mashups, EDM, hard-style, trap, progressive music and more. With a strong following of close to 30 millions of social media combined. Amber Na is no stranger to the limelight and entertainment industry. Her uncompromising love for music does not allow her to limit herself to just a single style. Being one of the most popular artist in Asia, she is an upcoming DJane to look out for. Amber Na had been one of the most in demand DJs since hitting the decks in 2014, easily racking up at least ten shows a month both locally and overseas. In the same year, Amber Na's DJ career lift-off by getting invited to perform around Asia, North America and many more. Amber Na is always exploring are ways to interact with her crowd and gives out her most to keep the vibe on the roof. IG:amberna_official YouTube频道:DJ AMBER NA 藍星蕾 粉絲專頁:Amber Na 藍星蕾 Tiktok:DJAMBERNA 抖音:Amber 藍星蕾 微博:Amber 星蕾 小紅書:Amber 藍星蕾 經歷 ※代表新加坡在2016年獲得亞洲百大女DJ。 ※2016年出席由新加坡時尚電視平台舉辦的電音音樂節,被媒體稱為新一代的網路紅人。 ※2020年推出同名數位寫真作品在台灣出道,目前活躍於台灣綜藝節目、外景節目助理主持。 選美經歷 ※Miss Glamour Germany 2018 ※Miss Talent Asia 2019 ※Miss Glamour Model 2019 音樂著作: ※Bestie (EDM Track) ※Rise Up (EDM track) ※You and Me (EDM track) ※You Make Me Feel (EDM track) ※Miss You Bae (Techno Track) ※日記(華語流行單曲) ※星空下的約定(華語流行單曲) ※雪融化之前(華語流行單曲) ※無恙 (華語流行單曲) 著作 ※《真心愛上蕾》藍星蕾數位寫真 ※《真星愛上你Addicted to you》Amber Na藍星蕾寫真書 ※《布蕾甜你心》藍星蕾數位寫真 ※《星有所屬》藍星蕾數位寫真 ※《怦然星動》藍星蕾寫真書


作者:藍星蕾 其他:莉奈/攝影 出版社:尖端 書系:數位影像 出版日期:2020-08-05 ISBN:4711228583522 城邦書號:SPB1A000192 規格:PUR膠裝 / 全彩 / 144頁 / 18cm×25.6cm
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